I've really felt inspired in 2021 and I've been working feverishly on new music. I've been giving it some thought, and I can trace my creative spark back to 2017 when I wrote a tribute song for my deceased Corgi Max. That emotional experience kindled a fire inside me and I'm happy to say the resulting creativity continues to burn brightly. In fact, I plan to release a song a month during 2022. I'd love to give you a sneak peek of what you can expect.
Sky's the Limit - Since the release date of "Sky's the Limit" is actually December 31, 2021, I guess you could say it's my last 2021 single. However, I prefer to call it my first 2022 single. It has a futuristic sound and it's a bit of a new musical direction for me. I was inspired by various artists on this one, from Thievery Corporation to The Doors. I envisioned a space journey that begins slowly, starts to pick up steam and ultimately rockets out into the far reaches of the cosmos. Besides the single, you can also check out the video and blog post supporting this release.
Ascending Acoustic - This single will be released in early February 2022 and is a companion to "Descending Electric" from Audiostrata, my first album. On this one, I was looking for an upbeat song anchored by my acoustic guitar. It is meant to produce pure positive vibes.
Waverider - This single will be released in early March 2022. I had just taken a trip down to Torrey Pines Beach, one of my favorite places in the entire world. After watching the surfers, I wrote this song to recreate how I felt watching them navigate the waves. I especially wanted to capture the peace they seemed to feel and their oneness with the surf.
Here is a brief snapshot of the rest of the songs I'll be releasing in 2022 (and 2023):
Before Sunrise - A musical description of the thrill of waking up when everything's quiet and still
Kronos - The melodic equivalent of a mythical universal timekeeper
Sweet Ride - A fun romp on a cool spring day in the car of your choice
Celebration of the Fireflies - Music capturing the carefree joy of fireflies at sunset
Infinity - When you are in your happy place and want the moment to last forever
Go with the Flow - An ode to kicking back and letting things take their course
Clouds - Lying on your back in a meadow looking up at white, puffy clouds
Neon Signs - Bright, gaudy and surreal
Shiny New Day - The sound of a beautiful new start
Gathering Stardust - Imagine being able to capture stardust in your pocket
I am excited to share this new music with you. Happy New Year and see you in 2022!
You can hear "Sky's the Limit" on Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube Music and other online stores. You can also check out my artist pages on Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube Music and other online music stores where you can listen to my first album Audiostrata and my last single, "Lemon Cello."